2023 GMS Agenda Approved. VENTENY’s Business Fundamentals are Strengthened.

JAKARTA, 6 June 2023 – VENTENY Fortuna International Tbk (VENTENY), today held its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders for the first time after listing on the stock exchange at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on 15 December 2022.

AGMS activities have 6 agendas and EGMS has 1 agenda presented. Among the main agenda items carried out is the approval of the Company’s Annual Report including the Financial Report and the Supervisory Report of the Company’s Board of Commissioners for the 2022 Financial Year. Furthermore, giving full release and discharge of responsibility (acquit et decharge) to all members of the Board of Directors for their management actions and to members The Company’s Board of Commissioners for the supervisory actions that have been carried out during the 2022 Fiscal Year.

Another agenda carried out at the AGMS and EGMS is approval for the determination of the use of the Company’s net profit; determination of salary or allowance honorarium for the 2023 financial year for members of the Board of Directors and Members of the Board of Commissioners of the Company; approval of the appointment of a Registered Public Accounting Firm; approval of changes in the composition of the company’s board of directors; report on Realization of Use of Proceeds from Initial Public Offering as of 31 December 2022; as well as changes to the Company’s articles of association.

“By holding the VENTENY AGMS and EGMS, we would like to thank the stakeholders. We will continue to run our business by taking into account the interests of all shareholders and stakeholders in our ecosystem to achieve the best performance and hold the trust that has been given to be able to carry out transformation,” said Jun Waide, Founder and Group CEO of VENTENY.

The changes to the composition of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors for the period from the closing of the 2023 AGMS to the 2027 AGMS are as follows:
a. President commissioner : Chandra Firmanto
b. Commissioner : Katsuya Kitano
c. Independent Commissioner : Iwanho
d. President Director : Junichiro Waide
e. Director : Damar Raditya
f. Director : Lie Kienata

Looking through VENTENY’s development in the first quarter of 2023, VENTENY posted revenue of IDR 32.6 billion, an increase of 243% from the first quarter of 2022 of IDR 13.4 billion. In addition, profit before tax was recorded at Rp 4.7 billion. This achievement shows a growth of 178% from the first quarter of the previous year (year on year/yoy).

The financial strengthening from the first quarter of 2023 has continued the positive trend obtained throughout 2022. After passing the audit results, the revenue earned in 2022 was IDR 73 billion, an increase of 83% from the same period in the previous year.

Jun Waide, Group CEO and Founder of VENTENY, said that this positive performance provides great optimism to continue to provide support for the development and strengthening of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

“Our focus remains one, namely continuing to be committed to supporting MSMEs and the welfare of employees in Indonesia through this super-app that we have developed,” said Jun Waide at the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) in Jakarta, Tuesday (06/06/2023).

Jun added, the brilliant performance in the first quarter was also seen from the results of the collaboration that was established with VENTENY partners, both from the Business to Business (B2B) model through the distribution of funds in the first quarter of 2023 amounting to IDR 340 billion, an increase of 30% from IDR 262 billion in the first quarter of 2023. the same the previous year. In addition, in Business to Business to Employee (B2B2E), there was an increase in the number of active users and transactions resulting in an increase in GMV of 3,000% from IDR 0.7 billion in quarter 1 2022 to IDR 21 billion in quarter 1 2023.

On this occasion, Damar Raditya, Group Chief Operation Officer of VENTENY, added “VENTENY’s positive performance record will continue in 2023 with several strategic steps that will be woven between VENTENY and many business partners, associations, government and VENTENY stakeholders as a whole. Apart from that, the focus is on developing the VENTENY Employee Super-app for employee welfare, such as LMS (Learning Management System), funding programs, employee health and insurance and other products.

“VENTENY’s current rapid development was born from the support of many parties. This has made us even more committed to continuing to make a big impact for the progress of MSMEs and employees throughout Indonesia in the ecosystem we have created,” he concluded.

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