Practical Tips to Pass the Probation Period and Become a Permanent Employee

Landing a new job is an achievement to be proud of, but your journey doesn’t end there. Before officially becoming a permanent employee, you must go through probation. This period allows the company to assess your skills and how well you fit into their work culture.

Therefore, knowing the proper steps to pass the probation period and earn permanent employee status is crucial. Before discussing the practical tips for passing the probation period, let’s first understand what probation is and the legal basis that governs it.


Understanding Probation

Probation is a company’s trial period to evaluate new employees’ performance, abilities, and suitability for the given tasks and company culture. It also allows employees to assess whether the job and work environment meet their expectations.


Legal Basis for Probation

In Indonesia, the probation period is regulated by the Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003. According to Article 60, paragraph 1, the probation period can only be applied to an indefinite-term employment agreement (PKWTT) or permanent employment contract. The probation period should be at most three months; during this period, employees must receive wages according to applicable regulations.


Practical Tips to Pass the Probation Period

Understanding the concept and legal basis of probation is an essential first step. However, you must apply some practical strategies to pass the probation period. Here are effective tips that can help you overcome the challenges of the probation period and ensure you earn permanent employee status:

  • Understand Your Duties and Responsibilities Well

Clearly understand your job description. Know what is expected of you and strive to meet or even exceed those expectations. Don’t hesitate to ask your supervisor or colleagues if there is something you do not understand.

  • Show a Positive Attitude 

A positive and proactive attitude is essential during the probation period. Show enthusiasm in your work and always try to give your best. A positive attitude also reflects your ability to adapt well to the new work environment.

  • Good Time Management 

Managing your time well is crucial in completing tasks on time. Prioritize your tasks based on urgency and importance. Create a daily task list and ensure you complete them according to schedule.

  • Work Efficiently   

Efficiency in work shows that you are a competent professional. Find ways to increase productivity without compromising the quality of your work. Use available work tools optimally and avoid procrastination.

  • Effective Communication

Good communication is the key to success at work. Communicate ideas, reports, and progress updates clearly and timely to supervisors and colleagues. Don’t hesitate to provide constructive feedback, and always be open to receiving feedback.

  • Show a Willingness to Learn 

Companies value employees who continuously want to learn and grow. Participate in company training or courses and show interest in learning new things to improve your performance.

  • Build Good Relationships with Colleagues

Building good relationships with colleagues can help you feel more comfortable and accepted in the work environment. Be friendly, willing to help, and capable of working well in a team.

  • Self-Evaluation

Regularly evaluate yourself to see if you are meeting the set targets. Identify your weaknesses and find ways to improve them. Don’t hesitate to ask for advice from your supervisor or mentor.

  • Maintain Work-Life Balance

Although the probation period can be challenging, it is crucial to maintain a balance between work and personal life. Getting enough rest and spending time with family or friends can help you stay focused and productive at work.



The probation period is both a challenge and an opportunity for new employees to demonstrate their abilities and fit within the company. Applying the tips above can increase your chances of successfully passing the probation period and being appointed a permanent employee. Remember that a proactive attitude, adaptability, and a continuous willingness to learn are the primary keys to success during probation.


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