Agreed on Strategic Collaboration with VENTENY, the leading online media in East Java, has just signed a strategic cooperation agreement with PT. VENTENY Fortuna International Tbk. (Company) in Surabaya, coinciding with the 6th anniversary celebration of on 23 February 2023., a leading online media from East Java, Indonesia, just signed a strategic partnership with PT. VENTENY Fortuna International...

VENTENY is Ready to Go IPO After Successfully Capturing The Market Demand for Growth Funding and Human Capital Empowerment

Jakarta, November 24th, 2022 – PT VENTENY Fortuna International Tbk (“the Company”) held a “Public Expose & Due Diligence Meeting” to introduce the Company’s business prospects, performance, and plans. The agenda is a part of the Company’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) process which VENTENY will become a public company whose shares are listed on the...

VENTENY is Ready to Go IPO After Successfully Capturing The Market Demand for Growth Funding and Human Capital Empowerment

Jakarta, November 24th, 2022 – PT VENTENY Fortuna International Tbk (“the Company”) held a “Public Expose & Due Diligence Meeting” to introduce the Company’s business prospects, performance, and plans. The agenda is a part of the Company’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) process which VENTENY will become a public company whose shares are listed on the...

VENTENY Organizes Free Mudik Program with Aino Indonesia, Ready to Facilitate Hundreds of Employees Across Java

Jakarta, April 29, 2022 – After nearly two years of the pandemic, the government has finally announced the return of the traditional “mudik” for Eid 2022. Through the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), the government has emphasized that health protocols must be followed during travel. This announcement brings joy to the public who have not been...

VENTENY Selenggarakan Program Mudik Gratis Bareng Aino Indonesia, Siap Fasilitasi Ratusan Karyawan Lintasi Jawa

Jakarta, 29 April 2022 – Setelah hampir dua tahun pandemi, akhirnya, pemerintah kembali mengumumkan diperbolehkannya tradisi mudik pada Lebaran 2022. Melalui Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub), pemerintah menghimbau bahwa protokol kesehatan wajib diterapkan selama masa bepergian. Pengumuman ini tentunya menjadi kabar bahagia bagi masyarakat, yang selama dua tahun terakhir ini belum bisa bersilaturahmi dengan keluarga di kampung...