Why Leaving the Office on Time Is Important

In an increasingly competitive work environment, overtime is often seen as proof of dedication and commitment. However, working excessively and neglecting the time to leave the office can negatively impact health and productivity.

The “Pulang Tenggo” concept—leaving on time—is becoming more relevant and important for employees and companies to consider.

This article explores why leaving on time is crucial and how it can positively impact work and personal life.


  • Reducing the Risk of Burnout

One primary reason to leave on time is to reduce the risk of burnout. Burnout is a state of physical and emotional exhaustion caused by excessive work pressure. According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, workers who take adequate breaks and avoid excessive working hours are less likely to experience burnout.

By leaving on time, you allow yourself to rest and recharge, which is essential for maintaining long-term health and preventing burnout.


  • Improving Productivity

Many believe that the longer you work, the more productive you are. However, this is only sometimes the case. Research from Stanford University shows that productivity drastically decreases after working more than 50 hours per week and nearly drops to zero after 55 hours.

By leaving on time, you can refresh your mind and start the next workday with renewed energy, ultimately improving overall productivity.


  • Maintaining Work-Life Balance

Work and personal life balance is key to happiness and mental well-being. A study by the American Psychological Association found that workers with a good work-life balance tend to be happier and have a higher quality of life.

Leaving on time allows you to spend quality time with family, socialize with friends, or pursue hobbies and activities you enjoy, which is important for maintaining this balance.


  • Creating a Healthy Work Environment

Implementing a workplace culture of leaving on time can foster a healthier and more supportive environment. According to Gallup, companies that support work-life balance have more loyal and productive employees.

Policies encouraging on-time departures can help reduce workplace stress, improving employee well-being and company success.



Leaving on time is not just about ending the workday at a set hour; it’s crucial for maintaining health, improving productivity, and creating a healthy balance between work and personal life. 

By adopting the habit of leaving on time, you can enjoy a more balanced life and maximize your potential at work and in personal life.

Let’s start prioritizing our well-being by leaving on time—because success at work doesn’t have to come at the expense of health and happiness.

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